Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why do Woman Become Surrogate Mothers

Surrogacy is a method where a woman volunteered to be pregnant from a third party so that a couple should bear a child. It can be also that the woman will carry the child from the implants of the couple.
This method is rampant nowadays because the technology is also evolving.
So the question is, why do woman accepts to become Surrogate Mothers?
Some women do it for the money and some wanted to help couples who can't bear their own child.
If for the money, would you think it is enough to compensate all the tough times experienced by a pregnant mother? No, money is not enough. Although being pregnant is also a fulfilling job and helping couples will make you even more valuable.
Of course, several of them accepted it because they wanted to help couples especially their friends. They wanted to help to make the couples dream come true. It is very painful for a couple not to bear a child and the only way that we can aid them is to ask for surrogate mothers.
We should be thanking them as they have offered themselves to help those who are need on producing a baby.
To learn more about Surrogacy read it here: Become Surrogate
Also if you want to read a Surrogate Mother's story you can read it here: Surrogate Story

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