Saturday, September 25, 2010

Annuity Buyers for you

A potential annuity buyer, particularly first time buyer, should be very careful in deciding the type of the annuity to invest in and on the insurance company to go with. Some annuities offer guaranteed income and some s do not. Some annuities offer returns even after the death of the annuitant, but some types of annuities provide income only for a fixed time period. The excess income over the total premium amount is tax-free in some types of annuities, whereas in some other cases, the excess income is taxable. Therefore, the buyer has to understand the basic types of annuities in order to decide which type is suitable for their financial situation.
The buyer can seek the help and advice of finance professional or annuity broker.

Before purchasing an annuity, the buyer has to understand the payment options. For instance, the company may pay some types of annuities only after the death of the annuitant and some after a fixed time period ranging from five to twenty years.

To learn more about Annuity Buyer visit this: Annuity Buyer Stories

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